Cover Design by Chidinma DurekeHave you fallen victim to the PROMISED next best thing since Microsoft and spent your entire fortune on it hoping to make endless amounts of cash with it month after month? Have you given up your dream of making it big with a network marketing business? Do you think it is a scam like most people think and drawn a foregone conclusion? Did you get burnt by “one of those pyramid things” – the first one you tried and swore that you will never touch one again with the longest spoon in the world? Did it work out, or were you left high and dry with barely two nickels to rub together? Have you also gotten too deep with the first or second or even third MLM company you got involved with to the point of no return or so you think?This book has answers as to how you can flush out your loss and restore your financial well-being. Or have you always been interested but afraid to get involved because of the fear of the unknown?Betty Miles, a lawyer, author, and “Queen of Network Marketing” says, “This is an incredible book written by one of the most dynamic and successful people I have ever met! Margaret Dureke has addressed all the questions that have plagued many of us who love network marketing, but dislike the reputation a few dishonest and unscrupulous individuals have given it! If you will follow Margaret Dureke’s advice, you will find that this industry can make all of your financial dreams a probability rather than a possibility!”
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