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Ambassador Dr. Margaret Dureke is an international expert in providing corporate, executive, company and diplomatic training. Her knowledge and training skills include management, leadership, organizational and individual development, business retention and expansion, entrepreneurship, and business start-up. She also is well versed in organizational and time management, and sensitivity and diversity issues. In addition to organizational training, Dr. Dureke is available for personal and business development coaching on a one-to-one basis.

With over two decades experience in speaking, training and presenting at the corporate level, as well as personal knowledge gained by having successfully started many businesses, Dr. Dureke knows how to guide you to tap into your God-given ideas, talents, and skills to achieve your goals. Along the way, she has suffered may adversities and found a way to bounce back. Now she is teaching others how to do the same using her successful E4 (Educate, Empower, Enrich & Entertain) approach!

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Areas of Focus

Corporate and Executive Training

Providing companies and executives with professional training, organizational skills and time management, leadership development, sensitivity and diversity understanding, growth solutions, and more.

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Diplomatic Professional Training

Providing diplomatic corps, as well as business executives, the latest techniques for diplomatically managing and handling any situation to achieve the most successful outcome for all involved.

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Business Retention & Expansion Training

Working with company managers and human resources staff to develop retention and training programs designed to tap the full capabilities and talents of both management and line employees.

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Entrepreneurship Start-up & Development

Teaching an individual or company how to take any idea, get started, and turn it into a successful business simply tapping into your own God-given ideas, talents, and skills. I am someone who has successfully started many businesses and succeeded with no money to start.

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Personal & Business Development Coaching

Offering the knowledge and experience for successful personal and business development coaching. For the past 20 years, I have been in the field helping others to transcend and transform.

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